A tandem jump is the safest and easiest way to gain a free fall experience. It takes about 20 minutes of preparation with a tandem instructor and instructions - which are far easier than classic training. Jumps are performed from a height of 2,500 m to 4,000 m. Free fall lasts up to 55 seconds (min 25 seconds).
1,800.00 kn
238,90 €
for members
1 € = 7,53450 kn
* (becomes a member by signing the application form)

You want to fulfill the life dream of a loved one / or / you want to surprise them with something unusual - a gift certificate is the best option :) The procedure is the same: apply via the link and receive all the necessary information by e-mail.
- kn - €
for members
1 € = 7,53450 kn
* (becomes a member by signing the application form)